Career Advice for Freshers and Tips for Securing a Job in Campus Placements
What advice should be given to students who will be attending college for the first time?
- Fundamentals are the foundation of any subject, pay attention while learning any subject in the course as it is a graduation course every subject is interlinked with one another. Take a quick revision of basics before joining as it helps in reducing ambiguity while learning the subject.
- Try to be friendly with all around you as it is a graduation, transfer of knowledge always beneficial for each other. A healthy discussion always gives great ideas and best output.
- Try to learn the subject more practically and deal with the subject with a different and simple approach as it helps to crack the exams in less time and which also helps in increasing logical and analytical thinking and will be useful while attending job interviews.
- First-year is always tough for everyone, so don’t be nervous while attending you will get used to the situation in the long run.
- Don’t waste time on unnecessary things, always try to learn new skills from the latest technologies as now we have a wide variety of courses available in both online and offline.
- Try to teach one another, give seminars and help others in explaining the subject so it will be helpful for you and others, as teaching and explaining gives you more grip on the subject.
- The ideal mind is a devil’s workshop so always be occupied with either family, friends, sports. Make a hobby of at least one sport or physical activity. It refreshes the brain neural activity and helps in increasing the concentration.
- Smart work is better than hard work as both yield the same results, smart work gives results in less time. So a course of action to be planned before every semester and detailed time table should be prepared.
- Participate in seminars, college fests, and other extracurricular activities to improve leadership skills, team working skills.
- Don’t be shy while asking for guidance from seniors as they have knowledge and experience on the subject.
- Selection of college also plays a major role; try to prefer the best and top colleges and do research before joining. There are some articles on top colleges in Engineering and MBA/PGDM in India and top Metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Banglore, Kolkata, Ahmedabad try to check by clicking on the city name.
What are the ways for a fresher in engineering to get a good job?
Starting a career with a fresher tag is always difficult. As you don’t have enough knowledge to deal with the situations and pressure from top management is always a difficult thing. There are two types of companies which hire graduates.
A.Core Companies
Core companies are particular field related companies which are mostly technical in nature for example for Civil Engineering- construction companies, Electrical Engineering – electrical companies, Electronics Engineering- electronics and chip manufactures, Mechanical Engineering- automobile sectors, steel manufacturers, Computer Science Engineering- software companies
B.Non-core Companies
Non-core companies are not relevant to your education, for example, a mechanical/electrical/electronics/civil graduate doing the job in an IT/software sector. In most of the cases, graduates opt for the IT sector as they cannot find the relevant job in core sector and want to move in life in another profession for better salary and growth aspects.
One thing is clear be it Core or non-core companies you should have to develop some job oriented skills and had to stay up to date according to the industry needs. To know what type of skills required for engineering streams like Smart Manufacturing & Automation Engineering, Textile Engineering, Robotics Engineering, Power Engineering, Automobile Graduates, Construction Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Chemical Engineering CSE Graduates, EEE Graduates, ECE Graduates, CIVIL Graduates you can check this article by clicking the names of the stream.
What are the best career objectives in a resume for a fresher?
Career objectives are necessary for both fresher and experienced candidates and should be a professional format rather than simple words.
Always stay true to the things you write on a resume as it creates an effect on the person who sees and who interviews you. so be genuine with the words in your resume.
A career objective should be according to the fields you apply and keep it up to date and always keep relevant data in the resume. Try to avoid unnecessary and unwanted details in the resume and keep it short and brief as the interviewer doesn’t have that much time to check all the details entered in the resume.
What is some good advice for a fresher joining the Indian IT industry?
Indian IT industry is one of the booming industrial sector which is growing and expanding day by day. For a fresher to enter into the IT industry, for some people it may look easy and for some, it is difficult as they lack programming skills, language communication problems, lack of proper guidance. To survive in the IT industry you should always learn new technologies and new methodologies. At first, it will be difficult to handle the pressure and tasks later on you get used to. Experience teaches everything in this field more experience more knowledge on the subject.
These are some of the advice for freshers before joining in engineering and after engineering, if you find this article useful share it with your family and friends and bookmark this article for future reference.