Career Counselling Tips 2022-2023
The article made especially to Guide you into which career you can choose after graduation
Are you a student or professional who faces these questions in day to day life?
- Which stream to choose after the 10th?
- Should I take science or commerce?
- Will my parents agree with me taking arts?
- What will I do with my career?
- I am dissatisfied with my job. What to do next?
Then you are in the right place, read this article till the end…(Unique Career Guidance)
To decide on the right course after Class 10th is probably the most important phase of your life, to be able to pick the right career. If you have taken the science stream, then you can switch to commerce or arts after that. But if you have chosen commerce, you cannot come back to science, but if you don’t choose properly, chances are, you will end up in a job that you are not interested in and then regret it.
If you are reading this article, you either completed your graduation or just finished your intermediate. But, in this world of competition, it is not enough to merely complete graduation, you will definitely need a Postgraduate certificate. But in saying that, you cannot waste your precious time solitarily perusing education itself, because later, you will have the responsibility of the family to take care. At this juncture, it hard to handle both studies and family responsibilities.
This is the reason why most people choose to go for online/distance education as they work in a firm, which will help them, gain experience, In the same sector.
Basically, there are people of two scenarios, for some, they get into a job that they are not completely satisfied with, and they end up whining about it the rest of their life. While on the other hand, some have and amazing opportunities, they have great parents who are earning well, good money, but they know very little about what course to choose, and what kind of career will give them WORK Satisfaction.
If you belong to any of the categories above here are a few tips/ guidelines (Unique Career Guidance)on which you can find a career and also peruse higher education as well. Let us go step by step as we begin to ride through the article for various options you have to achieve a great job with JOB satisfaction.
First, it is very important to understand that in this world of competition you will never achieve anything with merely a DEGREE in hand, while for a few of them completing a degree is very way too impossible, because of their financial situation in the family, on the other hand, there are people who just waste their precious time in choosing what degree they have to go for and are utterly confused, or they while away much of the time in entertainment and social media as they are in youth. If this problem is addressed first the rest of it will fall into place.
You will complete your studies properly by the age of 24, if you complete intermediate by 18, and then later your graduation by 22, that gives you enough time to complete post-graduation also by 24, this applies for the people who have chosen THE RIGHT COURSE which will direct them to the PROPER CAREER PATH. You can see them as people well settled by the age of 25, who can do much more after it.
While talking about scenarios, here is another situation to consider, if you are a person who has struggled much to choose a degree and finally after getting into it, you have not been able to complete all the subjects in the first year, It is highly recommended not to waste your time in trying to do what you are not interested in, rather leave the course immediately, please speak to some elders in your family and take a right choice of the degree/or any professional course you are interested. Remember always, that this is the first most important decision that you take, and this will carve your bright future, to make it or break it is in your hands.
Few points to consider after you complete your intermediate/10th:
- Choose the right course: If you want to peruse engineering then go for MPC( Maths, Physics, chemistry), otherwise B.PC( Biology, Physics, Chemistry), but if you are not interested in both, then don’t think much just take whatever course you can complete in this span of two years. It is not always necessary that if your friend/sibling is good at maths, you also should be good at it, you can be best at something else.
- Think of the best graduation course you can complete: While you are perusing intermediate you are well equipped to know which you can join for graduation, so don’t waste two years enjoying and going to college and having fun, all of that(enjoyment) is fine but also to keep in mind that you have two full years in your hands to choose what degree you want to join in.
- Take the opinion of parents/siblings and elders of your family: So while you are completing your intermediate, have frequent conversations with your family and elders who have a good experience and are well settled, that will help you choose the right course which will guide you towards the best career.
- Do not waste your time: After you complete your intermediate if you are still confused about what to do and which course to opt for graduation, then the best thing is to choose an easy course and join it so that you will be able to complete it on time by 22 as mentioned above, then by the time you finish your course, you can either do post-graduation in the same course or take another degree which you are really interested. Also, you can do your PG in the distance while doing this second degree. You definitely need a post-graduation degree in hand to survive in this competitive world.
Tips for Parents, Career Counseling, Important for School Students and Graduates:
In career counseling parents/ teachers and elders of the family play key roles.
For Parents:
As a parent, it is your responsibility to help your child in making the right decisions in their life, yes if they know what they want to do that is great, but if you help them in making a choice of course when children ask you, it will make them happy that their parents are so supportive. Most importantly do not make hast and force your decision on your child, Your child might not have the capability to become what you are today, just because you are a doctor it is not necessary that your child wants to be the same. The development of a child comes from being exposed to various picks (courses) and choosing one from it.
For Students:
Apart from choosing the right course, a student should be prepared to face the competition in the job market, by involving themselves in campus placements, soft skill training, mock tests, personality development programs, thereby aiming at time management, problem-solving skills, handling market skills and body language, capacity building programs, event management, thinking skills, entrepreneurship, and career counseling programs in every field like Journalism, Tourism, Banking, Civil services, Dramatics, etc. You can take extra courses in the meanwhile( After inter or graduation) for all of the above but keep in mind that you don’t waste your time anywhere.
Through Counselling and guidance, if students are encouraged to develop professionally for a brighter and positive future in the workplace, the students of our state can compete at national and international levels, provided they are given the right counseling and assistance by dedicated people.
In conclusion, Career counseling is most important than ever before. Let it be a student who is confused about which stream to choose or a professional who is worried about his/her career break. Career counseling has multiple folds and it helps students and professionals choose their dream career path. Earlier many people used to choose the career path because their friends and family told so, or just because it is so-called ‘popular’. Now it is not the case. With the help of a trained career counselor, you can choose your dream career path and follow your passion.
It is wrong when people say just like that, ENJOY YOUR LIFE IN YOUR TEEN and youth, later you will not have time, they are not thinking properly, See, if you properly complete your studies and settle in a nice firm/job, you have all the time in life to enjoy, make sure you get a 9-5 job to make that happen, everything will fall in place rest is your own choice to direct your life in the way you want.
Finally, I am not saying that this article will help you choose a career, but will definitely put you through a right-thinking process, read this article and share it with your friends to help them also.
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(Best career guidance in India)