JEE Main Percentile Vs Marks 2021
Every Year National testing Agency(NTA) conducts joint entrance exams for IIT and NIT colleges through JEE Mains/Advanced. From 2022 NTA is going to conduct an exam 4 times a year for aspirants who want to get into IIT and NIT colleges. Based on normalisation formula scores and percentage is calculated. JEE main percentile and marks 2022 table and calculation is given below for the students to look into.
The process of Normalization is an established practice for comparing candidate scores across multi-session papers and is similar to those being adopted in other large educational selection tests conducted in India. For normalization across sections, NTA shall use the percentile equivalence.
Percentile Scores: Percentile scores are scores based on the relative performance of all those who appear for the examination. Basically, the marks obtained are transformed into a scale ranging from 100 to 0 for each session of examinees.
The Percentile Score indicates the percentage of candidates that have scored EQUAL TO OR BELOW (same or lower raw scores) that particular Percentile in that examination. Therefore the topper(highest score) of each session will get the same Percentile of 100 which is desirable. The marks obtained in between the highest and lowest scores are also converted to appropriate Percentiles.
The Percentile score will be the Normalized Score for the examination(instead of the raw marks of the candidate) and shall be used for the preparation of the merit lists. The Percentile Scores will be calculated up to 7 decimal places to avoid the bunching effect and reduce ties.
The Percentile score of a Candidate is calculated as follows:
100 X Number of candidates appeared in the „Session‟ with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than the candidate / The total number of candidates appeared in the ‟Session‟ |
Note: The Percentile of theTotal shall NOT be an aggregate or average of the Percentile of the individual subject. The percentile score is not the same as the percentage of marks obtained.
How score is calculated by NTA
The examination results for each session would be prepared in the form of
- Raw Scores
- Percentiles Scores separately for each of the three subjects (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry) and the Total.
The following 4 Percentiles would be calculated for each candidate in the Session: Let T1, M1, P1, C1be the raw scores in Total, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry of a candidate and T1P, M1P, P1P, C1Pbe the Percentile Scores of Total, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry of that candidate.
JEE Main Percentile vs Marks 2021
Percentile | Score |
0.843517743614459 – 0.843517743614459 | -75 – -20 |
0.843517743614459 – 0.843517743614459 | -19 – -10 |
0.843517743614459 – 9.69540662201048 | 0 – 10 |
13.4958497103427 – 33.2291283360524 | 11 – 20 |
37.6945295632834 – 56.5693109770195 | 21 – 30 |
58.1514901857346 – 71.3020522957121 | 31 – 40 |
73.2878087751462 – 80.9821538087469 | 41 – 50 |
82.0160627661434 – 86.9079446541208 | 51 – 60 |
87.5122250914779 – 90.7022005707394 | 61 – 70 |
91.0721283110867 – 93.1529718505396 | 71 – 80 |
93.4712312797351 – 94.7494792463808 | 81 – 90 |
94.9985943180054 – 96.0648502433078 | 91 – 100 |
96.2045500677875 – 96.9782721725982 | 101 – 110 |
97.1429377776765 – 97.6856721385145 | 111 – 120 |
97.8112608696124 – 98.2541321080562 | 121 – 130 |
98.3174149345299 – 98.6669358629096 | 131 – 140 |
98.7323896268267 – 98.9902969950969 | 141 – 150 |
99.0286140409721 – 99.2397377073381 | 151 – 160 |
99.272084675244 – 99.4312143898418 | 161 – 170 |
99.4569399985455 – 99.573193698637 | 171 – 180 |
99.5973996511304 – 99.6885790237511 | 181 – 190 |
99.7108311325455 – 99.7824720681761 | 191 – 200 |
99.7950635053476 – 99.845212160289 | 201 – 210 |
99.8516164257469 – 99.8937326121479 | 211 – 220 |
99.9011137994553 – 99.9289017987302 | 221 – 230 |
99.9349804235716 – 99.9563641573886 | 231 – 240 |
99.9601632979145 – 99.9750342194015 | 241 – 250 |
99.9772051568448 – 99.9888196721667 | 250 – 262 |
99.9909906096101 – 99.9940299220308 | 263 – 270 |
99.9946812032638 – 99.997394875068 | 271 – 280 |
99.99989145 | 300 |
These are the basic details for a student to know about JEE main percentile vs marks 2021 and if you find the article please do share the article with your friends and family and bookmark for further education-related articles.