Oil and Gas Corporation (ONGC) Recruitment 2020-21
Oil and Gas Corporation (ONGC) is an Indian public sector multinational petroleum & gas service. Its registered office is in New Delhi. it’s owned by the govt of India, under the executive control of the Ministry of Petroleum and gas. it’s the most important oil and gas exploration and production company within the country, and produces around 70% of India’s petroleum (equivalent to around 57% of the country’s total demand) and around 84% of its gas. In November 2010, the govt of India conferred the Maharatna status to ONGC.
In a survey by the Government of India for the financial year 2019–20, it had been ranked because of the largest profit-making PSU in India. it’s ranked 7th among the highest 250 Global Energy Companies by Platts.
ONGC was founded on 14 August 1956 by the Government of India. it’s involved in exploring for and exploiting hydrocarbons in 26 sedimentary basins of India, and owns and operates over 11,000 kilometers of pipelines within the country. Its international subsidiary ONGC Videsh currently has projects in 17 countries. ONGC has found 6 of the 7 commercially delivering Indian Basins, within the last 50 years, computing over 7.15 billion tonnes of In-place Oil & the Gas volume of hydrocarbons in Indian basins. Against a worldwide deterioration of production from culminated fields, ONGC has reported production from its brownfields like Mumbai High, with the support of aggressive advances in various IOR (Improved Oil Recovery) and EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) schemes. ONGC has many developed fields with a current recovery factor of 25–33%. Its Reserve Replacement Ratio for between 2005 and 2013, has been quite one.
ONGC Recruitment 2021 Exam Date:
Events | Exam Dates |
Notification Released | December |
Starting Online Registration | December |
Closing for to Registration form | December |
Online Fee Submit the last date | December |
ONGC Recruitment 2021 Exam Date | February 2021 |
Date of Admit Card Released | February 2021 |
Result date announced | Update Soon |
ONGC Recruitment 2021 Eligibility Criteria:
The jobs in ONGC are ranked from E1 to E5 and better positions. the workers get promoted within too. Most of the vacancies which stocks are for the entry-level position (E1). There could be identical openings too.
Educational Qualification:
AEE (Cementing)-Mechanical: candidate Must have a qualified Degree in engineering with minimum marks
AEE (Cementing)-Petroleum: candidate Must possess Graduate Degree in Petroleum Engineering with a minimum of 60% marks
AEE (Civil): Must maintain a degree in engineering with minimum 60% marks
AEE (Drilling)-Mechanical: candidate Must have succeeded in graduation in engineering with minimum 60% marks
AEE (Drilling)-Petroleum: candidate Must have Matriculated Graduation Degree in Petroleum Engineering with minimum 60% marks
AEE (Electrical): candidate Must Control Degree in EE with a minimum of 60% marks. Should have a certification of competency as Electrical Supervisor.
AEE (Electronics): candidate Must have Passed Degree in Electronics Engineering
AEE (Instrumentation): Applicants Must have Graduate Degree in Instrumentation Engineering
AEE (Mechanical): candidate Need have Graduate Degree in engineering
AEE (Production) – Mechanical: candidate Must have Progressed Graduation in engineering
AEE (Production)-Chemical: candidate Must have a Degree in Chemical Engineering
AEE (Production)-Petroleum: candidate Must have a Degree in Petroleum Engineering / Applied Petroleum Engineering
AEE (Reservoir): candidate Must have a Degree within the concerned field
Geologist– candidate Must have Post Graduate Degree in Geology (Must have Mathematics / Physics at B.Sc. level)
Chemist: candidate Must have Post Graduate Degree in Chemistry
Geophysicist– candidate Must have Degree in Geophysics
Others: candidate Requirement have Degree in Mathematics, Physics (Must have Mathematics / Physics at B.Sc. level), Petroleum Technology (Must have Mathematics I Physics at B.Sc. level), Chemical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering / Applied Petroleum Engineering with minimum 60% marks
ONGC Recruitment 2021 Application Form:
The Eligible Candidates who want to form a career in ONGC can apply online for ONGC Recruitment 2021. Applicants will need to visit the official website to register themselves before the last date to apply for a form. Below you’ll find some steps for a way to use for ONGC Recruitment:
- Visit the official website https://www.ongcindia.com
- Then attend “Careers” & Select the specified post.
- Read the knowledge given carefully.
- Click on “Apply Online”.
- After that Click on “Click here for brand spanking new Registration”.
- Complete the Registration process by providing all the required details.
- A unique Registered Number & Password are going to be sent to candidates’ e-mail ID.
- Login using Registered Number & Password.
- Fill in all other details within the application.
- Upload scanned Photo and Signature.
- Make a payment of the appliance fee.
- Then Submit the shape.
- Take a printout of the online application for future use.
Admit Card:
- Authority is going to be declared the ONGC Recruitment Admit Card on the Official Website
- For the download admit card applicants need his/her Date of Birth
- Admit cards will contain all features of the ONGC Recruitment 2021 Examination.
- Must communicate with admit card before starting the exam hall government will check your admit card.
ONGC Recruitment Result:
- ONGC Recruitment 2021 results will display on the official website.
- Applicants can check his result online, they have a Roll Number for the check result.
- After the written exam 15 to twenty days, the result is persisting to be announced.