When you are going to visit a university or college campus. You should prepare contemplative questions to ask. Questions will be answered by admissions and financial staff. Currently pursuing students will be able to answer many others. You can check out the facilities like the library, dorms, dining halls, gym and science labs, etc.All of these can offer their unique outlook and experiences. Let us consider what questions would be suitable for tour guides academics, support resources, internships, study abroad, programs extracurricular activities, sports, culture, etc
- When did college establish?
- What are the student requirements to get into a university/college/institute?
- Which exams to crack to get into a college/university/institute?
- What leads most students to choose this college?
- Applying to college? There is still a chance to get admission?
- What is the accreditation of a college/institute/university?
- What kind of students would succeed here?
- What are the main reasons why students don’t graduate on time?
- What are the college’s most important values and how does it illustrate?
- Are there any determined agents available to guide?
- What are the college working hours?
- On average, how many people are in a class?
- What is the admission process?
- What type of languages do they speak?
- Is the study gap available?
- Is alumni available?
- What is your four-year graduation rate?
- What is your five-year graduation rate?
- What percentage of students receive college grants?
- Is there any transport facility by university/college/institute?
- Is there any accommodation facility in the university/college/institute?
- Are students required to be on a meal plan?
- What does the distinction college offer?
- What opportunities are there for undergraduate studies?
- What are the academic requirements to qualify for the college?
- How do you provide academic guidance to students?
- What instruct services do you have?
- What is your academic advisory system like?
- How is it to enroll in the courses you need?
- Are libraries and labs available on the campus?
- Are there any orientation classes available?
- How long are the terms or semesters?
- What are the tuition fees details?
- What are the additional charges and the average cost of living?
- What percentage of students get internships?
- What is the job placement rate?
- What percentage of students got placed every year?
- Is there any scholarship provision?
- Are there any educational loans available?
- Do employees recruit students on campus?
- What are the requirements to receive a merit scholarship?
- Does your institution give athletic scholarships?
- What are the events or traditions will conduct on campus?
- Are there opportunities through the college/university/college for summer internships?
- What clubs and student organizations do you have?
- Are there any cultural groups available?
- Is there a student newspaper? Do sports play a large role on campus?
- What percentage of students study abroad?
- Do you have an orientation program for transfer students?
- Are there any prerequisites for graduation?