Quick Insights On New Education Policy
(NEP 2020)
The previous policies on education have concentrated mainly on issues of access and equality. The incomplete program of the National Policy on Education 1986, revised in 1992 [NPE 1986/92], is properly administered within this Policy. An important improvement since the last Policy of 1986/92 has been the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 which laid down legal foundations for attaining universal elementary education.
What is the new education policy of India 2020? What are the key points of the new education policy of 2020?
The New Education Policy(NEP 2020) which was crafted under the recommendations of KasturiRangan Committee, for which a draft was prepared by a panel of experts led by former ISRO chief K Kasturirangan.Which changed the complete structure of the old education system in India. The NEP 2020 aims at creating “India a global knowledge superpower”.
1. The existing 10+2 structure in school education will be transformed with a new curricular restructuring of 5+3+3+4 including ages 3-18. children in the age group of 3-6 were not covered in the 10+2 structure as Class 1 starts at age 6. In the new 5+3+3+4 structure, a strong base of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) from age 3 is also incorporated.
2. E-content will be provided in a regional language apart from English and Hindi, E-courses to be in eight major languages, not just English and Hindi.
3. NCPFECCE-A National Curricular and Pedagogical Framework for Early Childhood Care and Education to developed by NCERT for children up to the age of 8.
4. Coding will be taught from class 6 in schools onwards as a part of 21st-century skills.
5. A 360-degree holistic report card, which will not only about the marks obtained by them in subjects but also their skills and other important aspects will be given to students.
6. The National Testing Agency (NTA) is formed to conduct a common entrance exam for university entrance exams two times a year.
7. Viable models of Board Exams: Annual/modular/semester Board Exams. Allowing all subjects beginning with mathematics, at two levels Exams to be conducted in two parts 1.objective type 2.descriptive type. Twice a year to reduce stress on exams.
8. Every child will have to go “Preparatory Class” or “Balavatika” (that is, before Class 1), which has an ECCE-qualified teacher before attaining 5 years.
9.Multi exit system in graduation
a. Completed 1 year – Certification
b. Completed 2 year- Diploma certificate
c. Completed 3 year- Bachelors certificate
d. Completed 4 years- Research with bachelors.
An Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) going to be set up for storing academic credits in digital.
10. National and State curriculum materials to be developed for students with hearing impairment and Indian Sign Language (ISL) will be standardized over the country.
11.the medium of instruction until Grade 5 will be mother-tongue/Local language/regional language but can be preferred up to 8th grade.
12.Three languages to be learned by children will be the choice of state, regions and students of which two languages are native to India.
13.Bagless days to encouraged throughout the year on various occasions.
14.“Bal Bhavans” to established by Every state/district as a special daytime boarding school, to engage in career-related, art-related, and play-related activities. Samajik Chetna Kendras Can use school infrastructure.
15.HECI- Higher Education Commission of India will be set up as a single regulating body for entire higher education, excluding medical and legal education with four independent bodies
a. Funding-HEGC- Higher Education Grants Council
b. Accreditation-NAC-National Accreditation Council
c.Regulation – NHERC-National Higher Education Regulatory Council
d.Standard-setting-GEC- General Education Council
16.NCFTE-National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education to be created by the NCTE with NCERT and going to be made B. Ed a 4 years integrated degree by 2030 as a minimum qualification.
17.National Scholarship Portal for SC, ST, OBC, SEDGs students to be extended and private HEI also encouraged to provide scholarships and Free ships.
18.Separate and Dedicated unit is created for Online and digital learning for schools and higher education in MHRD to look into infrastructure and needs.
19.Students with socio-economically backward can avail the benefits of free boarding in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas.
20.The state government may encourage in the opening of NCC Wings in Secondary and higher secondary schools under the Ministry of Defence which includes tribal areas.
21.At least one year of early childhood care and education will be added in Pre-school divisions in Kendriya Vidyalayas.
22.High-quality modules to teach Indian Sign Language will be developed by NIOS, which will teach basic subjects applying Indian Sign Language.
23. During Grades 6-8, All student to learn at least one vocational course such as carpentry, gardening, metalwork, electric work, pottery making, etc., as determined by States and local. Vocational courses can also be taught through online-mode.
24.school complexes, schools will be used for adult learning courses.
25.The planning and implementation of early childhood care and education curriculum (ECCEC) will be taken out collectively by the Ministries of HRD, Women and Child Development (WCD), Health and Family Welfare (HFW), and Tribal Affairs.
26.Health and nutrition cards will be issued to the students and ensure healthy meals and regular health check-ups will be done.
27.NIOS and State Open Schools now offer courses for A, B and C levels that are equal to Grades 3, 5, and 8 of the formal school system;
28.Curriculum content will be lessened in each subject to its core essentials, and make room for critical thinking and more holistic,analysis-based learning, discovery-based, inquiry-based, discussion-based.
What are the positive and negative things in the New National Education Policy 2020?
Positive things are highlighted in the above article as far as considered the NEP 2020 is drafted quite good by covering all left out things in the previous policy
Negative factors cannot be said now as it’s still not implemented and will have to wait for some time to look at how it going to show the effect on students and the education system.
The NEP 2020 has been crafted very efficiently and more beneficial for the upcoming students for understanding the subject more practically and technically and not on rote learning.